2 min read

Deviation Actions

Why is the U.S. continuing to send weapons and ammunition and all sorts of stuff to a country that is persecuting the people of another country that were there first for the sake of their religious beliefs? What happened to the separation of church and state? Does that mean anything in this country anymore? The literal reason why the war between Israel and Palestine is happening is because the Israelis, a group of religious, self-righteous assholes think that Israel is their promised land from their God, and that's their excuse to drive the Palestinians out, killing millions of innocent people (including children) in the process. The thing I really don't understand is.... why do they take the part of the Bible about Israel being their promised land seriously, yet they throw the 10 commandments ("thou shall not kill") out the window for the sake of that promised land? It's the most hypocritical mass of BS I have ever encountered in my lifetime. I know I'm very late talking about this, and tons of other people had made these points, but this makes me feel both angry and sad, and WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! More importantly, why are we backing them? We're spending a ridiculous amount of money to back them, and we're being very hypocritical as a country that's supposed to endorse "freedom of religion." Right-winged idiots need to get this through their heads: freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. In this case, the Israelis are forcing their religious beliefs down the Palestinians' throats, and countless innocent people are dying as the result. If Muslims or some religious group other than Jews or Christians were doing this, people would be freaking out and doing everything in their power to stop them. But no. It's all in the name of YHWH, so it's somehow justified. WAY TO GO, 'MERCA. YOU'RE A BUNCH OF HYPOCRITICAL ASSHOLES. I guess the first amendment really is dead. Democracy is dead. Everything that this country was originally founded upon... is dead. I swear, when I move out of my house, I'm going to Canada. I can't take anymore of this BS.
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KryptoKnight007's avatar
What type of Israeli soldiers are you talking about, Militia or Official Military?